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About BabyGuard

Every year, thousands of pregnancies are tragically cut short due to car accidents. In fact, over 170,000 pregnant women are involved in car accidents annually, and sadly, more than 3,000 pregnancies are lost under these tragic circumstances. It has become clear that standard seat belts pose a potential danger to the safety of pregnant women. In an accident, the extreme force exerted on the belly by the seat belt can cause irreparable damage to the unborn baby. In their original design, seat belts often do more harm than good for expectant mothers.

This is a problem that BabyGuard has solved. This product has been reported by NBC, CBS, USA Today, and Fox News. BabyGuard is a revolutionary innovation in automotive safety for pregnant women. BabyGuard redirects the seatbelt away from the belly, securing the belt on the legs and not on the lower abdomen where it could harm the unborn child. It eliminates the risk of pressure on the belly in the event of sudden braking or road accidents.

Designed to be installed on legally registered vehicle seats, BabyGuard transforms the standard seatbelt into a three-point belt (under-abdominal belt), allowing for comfortable driving while ensuring the safety of the mother and her growing belly.

Through multiple iterations of design, improvements, and crash tests, BabyGuard has proven to reduce the risks of pregnancy loss due to car accidents by more than 82.7% compared to traditional seat belts. With BabyGuard, expectant mothers can hit the road with confidence, knowing that they are providing the best possible protection for their unborn child.

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